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Letters Received From Around The World

You would be so amazed, Dylan about some of the letters I receive from people who have found one of your stones and wanted to reach out to let me know. Here are a few of the letters I've received over the past few months:

"Hi there,Just thought I would send you a photo of my little girl, Elise, who came across one of Dylan's memory stones in the parking lot at Save-On-Foods on Kane Street in Kelowna. She is 3 1/2 years old and thought it was beautiful. She insisted that I read everything on it and that I get out the iPad right away to learn more on the website. She loved looking at pictures of Dylan and asked lots of questions about what he was like.Her biggest question was "Why did he die?" You can imagine that she was unsatisfied with my answer that his heart stopped. She was hopeful that his heart would be fixed soon so that he would be okay again and was really sad to hear that it wouldn't happen that way.Her sweet "Why?" just kept coming and I think that her innocent concern would have made you smile. She is still talking about Dylan days later and asks everyone she meets if they know about him.The memory stone is such a good idea; Dylan is being thought of with care by lots of strangers and I hope that brings you some comfort.I also wanted to thank you: this all sparked my first discussion about death and dying with Elise and gave it such a beautiful and meaningful context.Much love to you all. You are in our thoughts.Jillian and Elise"

"I saw a heart-shaped, memorial stone on a hike to the Sakinaw Lake outflow in Pender Harbour, BC. I did not see this web site until I got back to my sister's house where I'm staying, so didn't think of taking a photo with the stone. I think this is a beautiful idea and will share this with people in our end-of-life planning circles (that combine soulful personal development). It sounds like Dylan had a blessed life, and he is lucky to have such a sharing and creative community to keep his memory alive. With love and light, Reena"

"My Mom and I came across a Dylan Sterling Memory stone in Glenmore, Kelowna BC just outside of the Save on Foods store in amongst some plants and a rock garden of sorts. Very touching. Sorry for your loss. Wonderful idea to have memory stones. Alison"

"Found Dylan Sterling memory Stone this morning 17th Dec 2015 on Slieve Gullion Forest Drive Road in South Armagh, IRELAND, Roland"

You are touching people all around the world and it is a most beautiful privilege to be a part of this journey.

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